उपचारका लागी सहयोगी हातहरु नामक संस्था प्रसिद्ध समाजसेवी श्रीमती स्वरुपा श्रेष्ठ द्धारा नेपालमा आर्थिक अवस्थाबाट कमजोर भएका ग्रामिण क्षेत्रका बालबालिका, महिला, अपाङ्गता, वृद्धवृदा लगायत अशाहय व्यक्तिहरुको जीवन स्तरमा सुधार ल्याउन विगत २० वर्ष देखि प्रयासरत हुनुहुन्छ । ग्रामिण तथा शहरी क्षेत्रमा रहेका यस्ता पिडितहरुलाई शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पोषणयुक्त खाना तथा शिपमुलक कार्यक्रमहरु सञ्चालन गरी समुदायका निश्चित विपन्न मानिसहरुलाई आर्थिक रुपमा सबल बनाउन ठुलो योगदान पुर्याउनु भएको छ । श्रीमती स्वरुपा श्रेष्ठ उपचारका लागी सहयोगी हातहरु नामक संस्था, श्रीदिप कम्पनी, विभिन्न किसिमका सामाजिक क्रियाकलापहरुमा संलग्न हुनुहुन्छ। साथै अन्र्तराष्ट्रिय स्तरको नेपाल क्यान्सर हस्पिटल एण्ड रिसर्च सेन्टर को निर्देशक तथा मुल्याङ्कन समितीको संयोजकको पदमा कार्यरत हुनुहुन्छ । उहाँ एक कुशल समाजसेवीको रुपमा परिचीत हुनहुन्छ ।
Helping Hands for Remedies (HHFR) is a non-profit, non-political independent non-governmental organization established in August 2021 in Nepal. The organization was founded by a group of dedicated individuals, including cancer patients, their families, survivors, social service volunteers, doctors, and philanthropists, who came together with a shared vision of providing critical support to poor patients in need.
Since its inception, HHFR has made significant strides in assisting hundreds of patients suffering from various diseases, including cancer, liver, heart, and kidney conditions and other ailments that make people’s lives miserable. Major milestones include the successful conduction of community-based health activities, such as cancer awareness campaigns focused on leading cancers in Nepal—gynaecological, breast, and prostate cancers—along with other cancer awareness and health-related campaigns. Furthermore, the health check-up camps which encompass general health, nutritional, oral health, blood donations, and more, benefiting thousands of individuals across the country. Additionally, we identify patient support needs, address care gaps, and work towards effective and efficient patient care so that people don’t have to suffer more.
To be a leading charity supporting underprivileged patients with cancer and severe illnesses, reducing suffering and improving access to care.
• Support Patients: Enhance our efforts to help underprivileged patients complete their cancer and severe disease treatments.
• Expand Outreach: Increase our focus on public education and awareness, disease prevention, and control strategies.
1. Provide emotional and psychological support to patients suffering from grave diseases, and assist in community rehabilitation efforts.
2. Utilize available funds to support poor cancer and other patients in their treatment and recovery, including assistance with follow-up visits.
3. Develop and implement public awareness campaigns and educational programs to increase knowledge about cancer, diseases, and available support resources.
4. Improve organizational processes and infrastructure to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and the overall impact of our programs.
5. Enhance HHFR’s capacity through increased funding, development of human resources, and expansion of programs and activities.
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